EBE 2024 Vol.6 | Pioneering A Sustainable Tomorrow

What's New?

National Biotech Congress Vol.1 will have many categories of sessions and lectures as well, this sessions will present the national research centers in Egypt and their role in Biotechnology within the Egyptian community in terms of research, industry, health and agriculture. Also, will focus on Entrepreneurship awareness to integrate the aspects of community entrepreneurship with the power of scientific research.

The Egyptian Biotech Era Seminars Vol.6 | Pioneering A Sustainable Tomorrow

The Egyptian Biotechnology Era Seminars

Bio Team Egypt Foundation is glad to announce the launch of the “The Egyptian Biotechnology Era Seminar”. The sixth seminar in EBE Seminars.

Bio Team Egypt Foundation is a national initiative aims for Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship awareness to integrate the aspects of community entrepreneurship with the power of scientific research. Our fundamental mission is the academic and the professional awareness for the Egyptian Biotechnologists to illustrate the importance of this field and the ability within its concepts and techniques.

The Egyptian Biotechnology Era Semiars Vol.6 | Pioneering A Sustainable Tomorrow

◘ Description:

Bio Team Egypt Foundation is proud to introduce The Egyptian Biotechnology Era Seminars for the first time as an idea and implementation in the Egyptian community aiming for spreading the Science of the twenty one century in Egypt. The Egyptian Biotechnology Era Seminars is a series of seminars which are organized monthly every year. We believe that this idea will highly connect the Egyptian Biotechnologists. EBE Seminars has a unique and continuously improved atmosphere for Biotech Entrepreneurs, Biotech Students, Research and Scientists. EBE Seminars will provide a monthly interactions between all of these categories, so we will try to Organize enough lectures in the trending fields. As will as getting different chances to provide workshops, scholarships, and encourage young researchers to present their research studies.

◘ History:

In March 2016, EBE opening seminar held at the National Research Center, Dokki, Giza. In collaboration with Middle East Molecular Biology Sources and Ain Shams Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, with the participation of different categories from Biotechnology students. Then, in Jul 2016 we organized the second edition of EBE, and along 2017 we organized three editions of EBE seminar. All these efforts resulted in well-organized seminars with Biotechnology topics in the academic sector. Attendance of the organized events from EBE reached 1000+ Attendees.

◘ Aim:

EBE Seminars will provide a monthly interactions between all of these categories, so we will try to achieve the following goals below:

• The Main Aspects:

  • Integrating market with the Academic Community.
  • Createing diverse sessions to improve audience skills.
  • Encourage young researchers to present their researches study.
  • Organize enough lectures in the new research fields monthly.
  • Getting different chances to provide workshops, scholarships.

• Targeted Groups:

  • Biosciences and Technology Students.
  • Biotechnology Students and Graduates.
  • Biotech Professors and Lecturers.
  • Young Biotechnology Researches.
  • Biotech Entrepreneurs.

• Sessions and Lectures Keywords:

Waste Managment • Water Treatment • Biosensors • Nanotechnology • Microbiology • Environmental Biotechnology • Virology • Bioelectricity • Entrepreneurship and Biotechnology • Scientific Research • Evolutionary Biology • Panel Discussion • Evolution • Biotech Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and Startups.


The Egyptian National Agricultural Library - ENAL, Giza.

Date and Time

22 Aug 2024 09:30 am to 03:00 pm


● Introduction

Certification System of EBE seminars depends on hardcopy certification, by newly launched system to bridge the need for seminars attendance documentation. Certificates will be accredited through The Egyptian Association for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (EAGEBT). After ebe attendance, your certificate will be received in the closing session.

● Terms and Conditions

  1. “ebe@bioteamegy.com” is the official method for requesting or Inquiring about certificates.
  2. “certification@bioteamegy.com” is the presented email to act as a reference email in CVs and resumes.
  3. You can claim your certificate for two months after the seminar closing date.
  4. You have no right to claim your certificate after the two months period.
  5. If you didn’t receive your certificate within the two months period, you can claim your certificate if you attended any future event organized by “Bio Team Egypt” within the same amount of time after the event. for one year max.
  6. Attendance is must, to receive your certificate.

List of Speakers

Name Position Lectures PPT
Name, Name Job Title Lecture Preview

● Registration Fees

• Regular Registration Fees (Starts from 16 Sep 2022)

  • 100 L.E For Undergraduates
  • 150 L.E For Graduates
  • 200 L.E For Researchers

● Step 1: Payments

● Mobile Cash Services: (Inside Egypt)

You can transfer your registration fees via the following mobile cash services (Vodafone, Etisalat). Registration fees are transferred as cash not SIM credit.

  1. Vodafone Cash:01026862136
  2. Etisalat Cash: 01118008157
  3. Please, after paying via this method, contact us through our email "ebe@bioteamegy.com" with your "Cash Number, Full Name in English, Email, University" to recive your Ticket Serial Number.

● Bio Team Egypt Representatives:

You can call for more information one of our representatives from the following universities or institutions across Great Cairo and Egypt.

  1. National Research Center:01062698268
  2. Agricultural Research Center:01062698268
  3. Cairo University:01142370199
  4. Cairo University: (outside main campus)01142370199
  5. Ain Shams University:01062698268
  6. Al-Azhar University:01097467896
  7. GUC and Universties in New Cairo:01097467896
  8. MUST University:01142370199
  9. MSA University:01142370199
  10. Helwan University:01069776408
  11. Tanta University:01002873290

*For Any Other Egyptian University: 01026862136

● Step 2: Registration

  1. After the payments you must have the "Ticket or Serial Number of your ticket if you paid via Vodafone/Etisalat Cash".
  2. Scan the QR Code on your ticket to fill the online application form to complete your registration.
  3. if you paid via Vodafone/Etisalat Cash you will rescive the Scan the QR Code on your ticket to fill the online application form to complete your registration.

● Step 3: Confirmation

After following this steps, wait our reply to your email with the registration form link, to fill your application. You have to keep the "Deposit Receipt" with you.

*For Complaints and Inquiries please call: 01026862136

*Email Address: ebe@bioteamegy.com

*Facebook Page - Website Mailbox

Registration Terms and Conditions

  1. Every individual has the right for only one discount.
  2. Registration discounts are not combined with each other.
  3. Every registrant responsible for full filling his registration form.
  4. Group registration is completed only by the group representative.
  5. Refunds of registration fees are denied after 7 days of registration.
  6. Partners’ workshops always for extra fees submitted directly to them.
  7. Individual registration must be completed only by the same individual.
  8. Certificates of attendance are not available for EBE seminars, only a thanks email.
  9. Payment documents (tickets, receipts…etc) must be with the registrants untill the end of the event.
  10. Bank deposit is the official registration method for (groups, discounts, graduates and non-Egyptians).
  11. Payment documents (tickets, receipts…etc) must be saved at the original condition of the document.
  12. Disclaimer of liability if any of our registrants has neglected to maintain his payment documents (tickets, receipts…etc).
  13. We are not responsible for any mistakes in certificates names, if the same formula is already registered in the registration form.

Feedback Form

● Introduction

Bio Team Egypt is glad to hear your thoughts about our events or projects you witnessed, The most important aspect of events organization is the mutual development which is resulted by effective communication. Feedback forms are playing a massive role in improving this type of communication, So that we can reach the perfect image we all seek. The Egyptian Biotechnology Community is waiting us to strengthen our abilities in sharing ideas and dreams about the future. Your feedback is always have been taken into consideration, So don't think that your words will never reach us. All your comments, notes or evaluation will be a corner stone to our future projects and events. We advice you to take this form seriously and Do Not hold back your constructive criticism.

● Terms and Conditions

  1. Feedback Form is closed after 5 Days from the conference Closing.
  2. Filling up Your Feedback Form is must, to receive your certificate.
  3. You have no right to claim your certificate if you did not fulfill your feedback form.

* Click Here to Fill up your Feedback Form

List of Sponsors

Desert Research Center

Agricultural Research Center

National Research Center

The Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research

Ain Shams Center For Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Sponsors Registration

You can contact us via pr@bioteamegy.com for details about the sponsorship of The Egyptian Biotechnology Era Seminars.


Dear Attendee,

Welcome to “Bio Team Egypt”, It is my honor to welcome every one of you to the sixth volume of EBE Seminars, 2022.

EBE Seminars has set its priority to be a platform for Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship and Scientific dialogue, bringing together an inclusive spectrum of figures from the academia and private sectors. Scientific advancements, research and innovation are shared, exchanged and discussed within the professional network to decide how sciences, technology and entrepreneurship can be integrated to practically serve the economic and social needs for Egypt and our global society as well.

We are concerned with Biotechnology awareness for the academic community with the main aspects of Biotechnology including: Multidisciplinary points of view, Biotech-Entrepreneurship and how research can be the real motive of technology and economic growth. These concepts will be discussed in “National Biotechnology Congress Vol.1” that is addressing “A Neoteric Millennium”.

Whether you are here for the first time or are joining us again, Welcome! We promise that you will gain knowledge, insights and understanding from our sessions, Lectures and speakers. We hope to continue participate in future seminars of “Bio Team Egypt”.

* Click Here to Download ebe Materials

Video Library

For more Videos please Click Here

In the Press

Title Date Publisher
لقاء مع أ. د. شيرين عاصم، نائب رئيس مركز البحوث الزراعية لشئون البحوث 05/02/2020 Media Committee
لقاء مع د. محمد علي، أستاذ مساعد وراثة وتربية المحاصيل 30/01/2020 Media Committee
لقاء مع أ. د. نجلاء عبدالله، رئيس مركز التميز الزراعي 17/01/2020 Media Committee
لقاء مع د. ياسر شاهين، رئيس قسم البيولوجيا الجزيئية، المركز القومي للبحوث 10/01/2020 Media Committee
لقاء مع أ. د. سلوى الهالوتي، أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية 08/01/2020 Media Committee
لقاء مع أ. د. هبة الرفاعي، رئيس وحدة المؤتمرات بالمركز القومي للبحوث 29/12/2019 Media Committee
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لقاء مع د. \ محمد عطية، أستاذ مساعد الخرائط الجينومية، بمعهد بحوث الهندسة الوراثية الزراعية (أجيري) 26/12/2019 Media Committee
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لقاء مع د. محمد عبدالحكيم، أستاذ مساعد الكيمياء الحيوية 24/12/2019 Media Committee
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لقاء اعلامي مع الدكتور \ هشام سلام، مكتشف حفرية ديناصور المنصورة «المنصوراصوراس» 18/12/2019 Media Committee
اعلان بدئ التحضير للمؤتمر الوطني الأول للتكنولوجيا الحيوية 20 Sep 2019 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
إنطلاق ثاني فاعليات ندوات عصر التكنولوجيا الحيوية المصري «EBES 2016» بطب القصر العيني 2 August 2016 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
المؤتمر الثاني لـ«Bio Team Egypt» إنطلاقه جديدة لعصر التكنولوجيا الحيوية 29 Oct 2016 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
إنطلاق فاعليات المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للجمعية العربية للخلايا الجذعية بالتعاون مع «Bio Team Egypt» 7 Feb 2017 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
إفتتاحية ندوات عصر التكنولوجيا الحيوية المصري «EBES 2017» تحت عنوان «مستقبل الطب الجُزيئي» 4 March 2017 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
إنطلاق ثاني ندوات عصر التكنولوجيا الحيوية المصري «EBES» تحت عنوان «تطورات الزراعة الحيوية» 15 April 2017 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
إنطلاق فاعلية مُسابقة التكنولوجيا الحيوية بجامعة عين شمس بالتعاون مع «Bio Team Egypt» 23 Novamber 2017 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
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المؤتمر الأول لـ«Bio Team Egypt» بداية حلم للتكنولوجيا الحيوية في مصر 29 Oct 2015 The Egyptian Biotechnologist
Dr. Ahmed Hussien interview after his Lecture "Evolutionary Biology" 3 May 2018 Media Committee
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Dr. Noha Esam interview after Lecture about "Assisted Reproductive techniques" 11 May 2018 Media Committee
Dr. Ahmed Zain at his interview after his Lecture "Proteomics Analysis" 11 May 2018 Media Committee
Dr. Sawsan El-Ateaq interview after her lecture "Genetic Engineering" 11 May 2018 Media Committee
Prof. Dr. Tamer Salem's interview after his lecture "Gene Therapy" 15 May 2018 Media Committee
Prof. Dr. Reem Arfa interview after her lecture "Bioinformatics and Drug Design" 18 May 2018 Media Committee
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al Zohairy interview after his lecture about Bioinformatics 18 May 2018 Media Committee
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فريق Bio Team ينطلق بثاني فاعلياته بعنوان "Biotech Juniors" 30 Oct 2016 Shafaff
شفاف | المؤتمر الأول ل "Bio Team Egypt" بالمركز القومي للبحوث 29 Oct 2015 Shafaff
شفاف | "Bio team" يناقش أبحاث الخلايا الجزعية 5 March 2017 Shafaff
شفاف | المؤتمر الثاني لفريق "Bio Team" بالجامعات المصرية 29 Oct 2019 Shafaff
شفاف | "Biotechnology for all" أول مبادرة مصرية للتوعية عن التكنولوجيا الحيوية 29 Oct 2015 Shafaff


Non-Egyptian participants arriving in Egypt are required to be in possession of a valid passport for at least 6 months. Entry visas may be obtained from Egyptian Diplomatic and Consular Missions Abroad. It is, however, possible for most of the visitors to obtain an entry visa at any of the Major Ports of Entry.

Visitors entering Egypt at the overland border post to Taba to visit Gulf of Aqaba coast and St. Catherine can be exempted from visa and granted a free residence permit for fourteen days to visit this area only. Citizens of the following countries are required to be in possession of a pre-arrival visa: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chechnya, Croatia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Lebanon, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldavia, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, The Philippines, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Sri-Lanka, Tadzhikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and all African countries. It is, however, highly recommended to check with the nearest Egyptian Consulate for specific details and regulations relevant to your nationality. Here is a List of Egyptian Embassies Worldwide.

A visa would approximately cost US$15 - US$800 depending on the nationality.

For further information, please check the official website of Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on www.mfa.gov.eg.


The Airline you choose to travel to Egypt will most probably determine your landing in one of the following airports. Please note that the closest airports to the conference venue are the first two airports:


All participants are kindly requested to arrange their transportation to and from the conference venue.

1) Trains: Each major city has a central train station. In Cairo, it is Ramses Square. For more information or for online ticket booking please visit the official website of the ENR (Egyptian National Railways) www.egyptrail.gov.eg.

2) Buses: Buses are the second option to travel to Cairo, you can choose from several bus companies. West Delta, Super Jet or El Gouna are the companies most popular. Tickets cost range between EGP 30 and EGP 50, and you may call ahead to determine if there are any changes in the bus schedule.

3) Air Travel: If you do not mind paying extra and do not want to waste your time, domestic air travel is also available between most major cities. Please check (www.egyptair.com).

B) Transportation within the cities

1) Limousine Services: Limousine services are offered by different companies for fixed fees. Representatives are located, upon arrival, at the airport and at hotel lobbies. Contact us for more information.

2) Public Taxis: Public taxis are found all over the city of Cairo. Cairo taxis are notable for their black and white color. When taking a taxi, you should agree on the fee before your ride.

3) Metro (Cairo): The cheapest and fastest means of transport in Cairo is the “Metro system” whose station locations are marked by a big red "M" sign. The Metro runs daily from 5:30 am until 12:30 am. Tickets cost 3 L.E for nine stations, 5 L.E for 16 stations and 7 L.E for more than 16 stations. The front wagon of every train is dedicated for women only.

Banking and Currency

Egyptian pound (EGP) - Livre Egyptian (LE) is equivalent to 100 piasters. Notes are in denominations of EGP 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1. Coins are in denominations of 100 (EGP 1), 50, 25, 20, 10 and 5 piasters.

● Currency exchange

It is always available at banks and official exchange offices. There are five national banks and 78 branches of foreign banks.

● Credit and debit cards

MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and Visa are accepted. Check with your credit or debit Card Company for details of merchant acceptability and other services which may be available.

● Traveller’s cheques

To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travelers are advised to take travelers cheques in US dollars, Euros or Sterling pounds.

● Currency restrictions

  • The import and export of foreign currency is unlimited; although it is mandatory to report the specific amount in cash if it exceeds US $10,000.
  • The import of local currency is unlimited.
  • There is a limit of 1000 Egyptian Pounds in cash that you may take out of Egypt.

● Exchange rates

For additional information about the latest exchange rates, please visit the website: www.xe.com/ucc

Photo Gallery

For more photos please Click Here

Organizing Committee

Name Position E-mail
Name, Name Team Leader -
Name, Name Team Leader -

*For Complaints and Inquiries please call: 01069429963

*Email Address: ebe@bioteamegy.com

*Facebook Page - Website Mailbox

About Us

Bio Team Egypt
We are Egyptian activists in the field of Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship awareness. Researchers, engineers and undergrad students from divers Egyptian universities and institutions. One target has collected us, is to create an Egyptian scientific community which is specialized into Biotechnology.

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